Thursday 31 May 2018

Some information about world famous Scientists Albert Einstein. You Probably don't know

There is nothing new about Albert Einstein. People are now studying PhD degrees by reasearching on. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Germany. He was a theoretical physics. The greatest theory of his life is the theory of relativity, which is one of the two main examples of Modern Physics. His work is also called the Philosophy of Sense of the present era. He is popularly known for his E = mc2 theory to the general public. He was awarded the Physics Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. Einstein has published more than 300 scientific papers and more than 150 non-scientific paper in his life. He was researching the loss of nuclear weapons until his death. He died on 18 April 1955.

Today I'm gonna share some interesting things about Albert Einstein.

* He was a average student.

World renowned scientist Albert Einstein was like a few other ordinary students in his student life. Then there was nothing special about his specialty. Average means average! He was like all ordinary students in his school and college life, but in a subject was the best of all! And that is the mathematics!

* Musician.

Albert Einstein was a skilled physicist as well as a talented musician! Because his mother was a skilled and professional piano player, he also got the skills of music from his mother's path. It is said that if he did not accept science as careee, he could have been musician. Especially as a piano player we would see Einstein today!

* He was married  2 times of his life.

Einstein had a special rareness on women. Einstein married two times. He also loved about 6 women! He married a physics woman in 1903, his first marriage was this. Since 1912 he was romancing with his cousin. In 1919, he divorced his wife and sat on the marriage bed with his cousin. His second marriage. But his son or daughter is no longer alive on earth.

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